Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Meanwhile back at the Ranch

Guy came to Nelson of course, and although he couldn't come to the wedding he had a great time with friends of the brides family who had a 2 year old boy and 6 year old girl ,a trampoline and several scooters. The day before the wedding Guy's Uncle Edward was in port on the Anatoki have brought a load of fertiliser down from Wanganui. With his regulation visi-vest on, and his own visi-sun-hat Guy went aboard the Anatoki and was very intrigued with the big crane unloading the fertilser, until of course we tried to take his photo whereupon he breaks into his silly face. Back at Ed and Lisa's place after the wedding Guy had a great time building a 'mountain railway' in the rock Garden with his trusty toy trains. He also had a workout on the rowing machine, he had it going well, might be time for the tug boat?