Sunday, June 28, 2009


Landscaping in the Lounge

Building a realistic landscape of plaster soaked papertowels over carved sheets of polystrene was always going to be stunningly messy, even before you include a three year old assistant. The plane was to do this in the garage. But with outside tempertures plummeting the fridge was actually warmer than the garage and Katrina decided Guy would turn into a little popsicle before we were even halfway done building mountains. So in like the truly good mummy she is she suggested we set the project up in the lounge, with plastic tarpulins and drop cloths in place. While Jack glues and shapes the slabs of polystyrene, Guy couldn't wait to get some trains running, so Jack has laid out his blue plastic train set in an reasonable approximation of where the rails will go.

Note the assistant is now trying to balance on a soccer ball while Jack works with an open bucket of plaster.

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