Saturday, March 21, 2009


Triple Trouble on the Johnsonville Line

The creche that Guy attends while we are at work has had to move from it's present location due to the expansion of the private hospital with which it used to be associated. To accomplish the move and set up at the new temporrary premises the creche had to close for a week. We arranged between the parents to each take 1 day off work and look after each others children. Thus on Tuesday 24 February, Jack found himself at home with three small boys, Guy, his friend Jack the smaller (3) and Harrison who is 2.

What to do for the day with three small boys? Ride on trains of course! We walked down to the Crofton Downs railway station and boarded a train bound for Johnsonville. Children under 5 are free and Jack had Katrina's monthly pass, "you got good value from that!" remarked the guard on our returnntrip. The English Electric units on the Johnsonville line allow a view of the line ahead, to the delight of Guy and Jack the smaller. Harrison was happy just to look out the side windows.

At Johnsonville we went to the model train shop, to get some supplies and look at all the trains. As we were leaving Harrison filled his nappy requiring a diversion to the parents room at the mall. There were two mothers already there changing there toddlers and they looked up almost to object to Jack entering before they realised it was in fact a parents room not just a mothers room. Small Jacks mother had dropped him off with a full lunch box which came in handy at this point. There was a container of cripsy noodle snacks. They proved tasty but fiddly to eat, perfect for keeping Guy and small Jack, and the daughter of the feeding mother engrossed while Jack sorted Harry's nappy. Then it was back on train,and walking back up the hill. The boys were vey good in public, Guy and little Jack like holding hands which also proved a useful way to reduce the 'degrees of freedom' and make managing the trio a bit less challenging. Although we avoided using the cars, later in the day we put three across the back seat to go down to the creche and help the builders shovel sand into the new sand pit. It was a big day out for all, and Jack (the Daddy) was a sleep in seconds later that night.
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