Friday, February 27, 2009
The Silvery Light

It has been a February of warm stable weather, which has made for some beautifully still and clear evenings. Although the days are shortening the sun sets well south of west and with such clear skies, the afterglow persists. In this hour after sunset peace reigns in the house, if not the world, and a magic calm descends on our valley. These evening skies after the fierce oranges and yellows have faded, have a strange metallic sheen. I call it the 'silvery light' and this photo is the closest I have yet to capturing it. The silvery light in the sky reflects off the tree leaves around us, giving them a sheen as if in bright moonlight, with colours barely perceptible. If you've read Lord of the Rings, this is the elven light, when elves and other creatures emerge. In this image even the familar and mundane power pylons take on an erie beuaty. It is a fun thought, a moment to contemplate things unseen, unknowable and to reconsider what might be possible.