Saturday, February 14, 2009


The Nanchang Project

If you're friends with Katrina on Facebook you might have seen her expressing her views on the possibility of Jack purchasing an aeroplane. What she was actually talking about was a suggestion from some of Jacks friends at the aeroclub that he should join them in syndicate to own a Nanchang CJ-6. The CJ-6 was a Chinese built training aircraft developed from a Russian design, with a 285 Hp radial engine, aerobatic and with lots of old fashioned coolness. Split 10 ways the price was less than a 2nd hand japanese sports car, so it was worth considering. In the end a quick tally up of all the other things on our to do list lead to the inescapable conclusion that Jack would not be able to particpate in flying the machine this year, which sort of defeated the purpose of joining the syndicte.

Nonetheless here are some photos of Jack 'trying on' the Nanchang. Guy was quite happy in the cockpit (I was watching where he kept his fingers, especially the gear up lever) Guy pointed to the back seat instucting, "you sit there Daddy, will you show me how to drive it?" Well maybe in a few years, though we might have to get you hat to replace the train driver's one Guy.
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