Monday, October 13, 2008


Mountain Men Come to Visit

Guy's Uncle Rob and his friend Chong popped in for a visit after one of their mad mountain escapades up in the freezing Tararua's one chilly week in August. Guy always loves a captive audience and they built an enormous train layout and had a lovely time playing with it.

Rob must take some responsibility for Guy's train obsession as he started it all by giving us the first Thomas the Tank Engine set just before Guy was born (despite his subsequent best efforts to channel Guy's interests elsewhere).

Guy was fascinated at the thought of Uncle Rob and Chong having a 'sleepy-sack' in their packs, as well as tent and little cooker. The idea of a tent was so appealing that we took Guy to the Kathmandu store and he ran around the whole time in and out of every tent on the showroom floor. Looks like Grandad Pat's large family-size tent will be a real hit this summer when we attempt our first camping trip!

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