Tuesday, January 22, 2008



While we were in hospital with Guy, by fortunate coincidence we had Katrina's Aunt and Uncle staying with us, which turned out to be Godsend as they kept us (and Felix) fed and watered. Then when we came home Margaret came down to help us out. This allowed us to get back to some of the things we had planned to do over the Christmas break. First among these was to build a sandpit for Guy. We used recycled bricks and built it in a corner against the retaining wall on which the western wall of the house rests. Guy enjoyed the building, especially using the hose to soak the bricks and mixing the concrete. As he stirred the concrete he kept saying "I digging a BIG hole". Then we got a trailer load of sand, which we had to carry down two flights of steps from the road in fish buckets. Guy helped by rolling about in the diminishing pile of sand in the trailer. A bit of work but already, Guy's hours of fun in the sandpit have exceeded its build time several times over. The only problem now is the little shoal of sand he leaves in the bath each night.

Oh Dana is jealous!!!! Lucky Guy. I love folding clothes and finding sand tipping out of all the pockets...Claire
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