Monday, December 10, 2007
Pickle Boy
Guy loves pickles, ever since his Uncle Rob gave him one at a BBQ just before cousin Jospehines Wedding. Sometimes when he is not feeling well and doesn't want to eat, the only thing he asks for is 'pic-kils' The other weekend he woke up feeling out of sorts and the only thing the restored his good humour was to walk around in his kni-kers and munch a pic-kil.
Something that has always struck me, and others, about Guy, is at times he looks less like a baby and more like a very small boy. Here is one of those photos. Guy is wearing a tiny little polypropylene top, like the ones I wear for tramping or kayak trips which probably contributes to the effect, but in this photo can you see Guy the man of 20, not the baby of 20 odd months?