Monday, September 03, 2007


My Train Ride

One cold but fine weekend a few weeks ago, we decided to take Guy on a train trip. The plan didn't go quite as expected as Guy's sleeptime is quite variable at present, so the trip up to Johnsonville and back ended up being a drive up to Johnsonville and a trip back on the train with Daddy while Mummy picked the travellers up at Crofton Downs.

Guy was a bit grumpy this particular afternoon, but a nice cup of fluffy milk and 2 new Thomas (what else?) books later, he seemed to perk up a bit. Especially when the train pulled into the station. He told us all about the train, especially that it is like Diesel (i.e. not a steam train).

Mr Milk-Moustache and reading all about Rusty the Diesel

Watching the train pull in

All aboard! Yeah, a train trip! Like Daddy's new glasses?
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