Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Going to the Zoo

Last weekend we took Guy to the Zoo on Sunday morning. We went to the early morning Vege markets first where we saw these flowers (flah-lers) on a traffic island. We wanted to got to the zoo becasue Guy has been talking a lot about 'ammals' (animals) and especially 'tig-GAHs'. (he tends to stress the second syllable, maybe it was those early months in France?!) Guy had a marvellous time, especially as he got to run from one cage to the next and walk up hills. In one of the first cages we came to was a beautiful pair of Golden Pheasants, "chik-KAN" said Guy and ran on to the next cage where a bantam hen was pecking and scatching in a dust bowl. "chik-KAN ee-ting durt'" said Guy. We were very lucky and got to see the Tigers coming out for a walk, and had morning tea watching the 'jaffs' (giraffes). We had a great close up view of the Cheetahs. Guy has a good knowledge of animals, we went over to look at the cheetah, although I didn't bother to tell him what they were. As we watched it's mate approached along the fence and Guy turned to tell me "lepard COMES".

At the lions cage the viewing area has some large concrete boulders which Guy decided he should climb, from the top of one he noticed the lion sitting in the sun on the next boulder (over the fence). Then it was running down hill, Guy deciding runing on the steep grass bank was more amusing than the wide pathway.

And when we left the Zoo? We couldn't get in the car until we had checked out the very interesting stones in the garden by the carpark

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