Monday, August 06, 2007


Stories and Dinner with Granny

Guy's Granny came to stay last weekend whicj was fun for Granny and Guy and bit of a break for Jack and Katrina. Guy doesn't believe in weekend lie ins so he was up early for breakfast with Granny. Breakfast is Guys' favorurite meal, he wakes up with a big appetitie and has been known to enjoy a second breakfast (hobbit style) While Granny was here she got some lovely lambs brains from the butcher and fried them up covered in crunchy flour. Guy was quite pleased with these, like very soft chicken nuggets. He was especially pleased with how they thread onto a fork. He is a regular little carnivore and often eats lamb chops, the small pieces cut off the bone and then the bone to gnaw on, grrrrrr!

He also had some lovely stories with Granny, here they are reading the big collection of Thomas stories. Thomas and Percy are still some of his favorite things to read, play and talk about.

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