Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Guy loves reading or having stories read to him. We read him all sorts of stories but his favourites are the 'Thomas the Tank Engine' series, he walks around the house clutching one of the dogeared favorites and here he is one Saturday morning in May, straight after having his nappy changed he has climbed up onto the sofa and proceeded to read by himself.
He has also being spending a lot of time with his wooden train (actually it was Jack's, it's over 30 years old). He pushes it around on his play mat. Note he is following the railway line, not the roads, and making 'chuff chuff toot toooot' noises. Finally we got the hint and took him up to the Silverstream Vintage Railway where we had a great afternoon riding on the restored steam train. (it's over 100 years old) Since watching the little tank engine running around it's train and starting off again from the platform, Guy has modified his choo choo noises to a very good approximation of the soft Shsss Shss Shhhh that it made, it's awesome to see him looking listening and thinking about stuff.