Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Guy loves reading or having stories read to him. We read him all sorts of stories but his favourites are the 'Thomas the Tank Engine' series, he walks around the house clutching one of the dogeared favorites and here he is one Saturday morning in May, straight after having his nappy changed he has climbed up onto the sofa and proceeded to read by himself.
He has also being spending a lot of time with his wooden train (actually it was Jack's, it's over 30 years old). He pushes it around on his play mat. Note he is following the railway line, not the roads, and making 'chuff chuff toot toooot' noises. Finally we got the hint and took him up to the Silverstream Vintage Railway where we had a great afternoon riding on the restored steam train. (it's over 100 years old) Since watching the little tank engine running around it's train and starting off again from the platform, Guy has modified his choo choo noises to a very good approximation of the soft Shsss Shss Shhhh that it made, it's awesome to see him looking listening and thinking about stuff.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Tricycle Patrol
Maybe it's the 70's style retro jacket, but doesn't he look a bit like a tiny Steve Austin? (6million dollar man) Perhaps it has something to do with all the old reruns Katrina watched on daytime telly while she was pregnant!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Our wedding day
On the left hand side of this page under the Links menu is a listing titled Our Wedding. Although it has taken quite a while, we have put a big effort in to post a selection of photos from our wedding day on there.
We had such a great day, and we hope you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed the day, and enjoyed putting them together for you.
We had such a great day, and we hope you enjoy the photos as much as we enjoyed the day, and enjoyed putting them together for you.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Boys in the Hood
With the colder weather Katrina bought Guy a fleece hoodie. I tucked his hands into the pockets and he mooched around for quite a while looking like a tiny little teenager until I thought to take his hands out before he tripped over and face-planted. Lucky the striped jersey his Granny knitted him still fits, though he fills it out better. (yes the hand brake was on and the car in gear)
He still enjoys his fresh fruit, here he is just finishing a plum for his pudding. In the other photo you can see he what long wiggly legs he has. He relishes stretching them by walking now at any chance, down the road, around the supermarket when it's not too busy and we had lots of fun chasing him around the aisles of the Kirkcaldie's lingerie department the other day. The fitting matron was trying to give us stern looks but failing due to Guys peals of delighted laughter that Katrina could hear from inside the fitting room. So she called out to him, whereupon Guy dived under one of the privacy cubicle curtains, unfortunatley it was the wrong one, and I had to try and retrieve him with my eyes shut. Much shreiking and laughter later I contemplated that it's been ages since I've was last almost thrown out of a lingerie department!
Friday, May 04, 2007
At the car wash, Baby
So what have we been up to since Easter? Just crazy mad baby work stuff and some long deferred cleanup around the house jobs. One of which was clean the car. Cousin Amy lives in an apartment with a common car park so she comes up to our place to wash her car. This seemed a good excuse to give our poor car some TLC and of course Guy is right into anything involving water and dirt.
Skellerup boots where a present from Laurie and Jan, they fit Guy now and he enjoys stomping around in them, taking oversize steps in his oversize boot. Miniature 'Evil Kanevil stunt suit' was made by Rosemary for her girls and is now just the thing for Guy when he's helping Jack outside on a cool autumn day.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Easter 2007
We celebrated Easter this year with an Easter Egg hunt organised by our neighbours, they hid the egss around our garden, because it has lots of hiding places and they could do so unobserved by their older children. It was great fun and Guy enjoyed the older children running around. I carried him from place to place and he spied the small foil covered eggs nestled amongst the flowers and trees. He made a good job of munching his way through a marshmallow egg too, (and he has been known to gnaw his way into a Cadbury Creme Egg.) Just for comparison, here is a picture of Guy last Easter, when he only 3 months old and we propped him up with pillows.
Rest In Peace Cass
A sad thing occurred when we returned from our honeymoon. Cass the Cat who was being looked after while we were away was unwell. We took him straight down to our wonderfully kind and caring local vet who checked on him through the night but he passed away from kidney failure. Cass was about 10 years old and had been with me since Auckland when he'd come to me as a tiny kitten with his brother Bealey. They'd been found when a work colleague and the SPCA had gone in to clear out the home of an old women whose house was overun by cats, Bealey and Cass where the last to find homes, so they came to me. Bealy unfortunatley didn't develop enough road sense and was run over after a year. Cass was the runt of the litter and was always small but was a very loving and loyal cat. He drove down from Auckland on my knee, only digging his claws in to me on sharp corners!
Strangely he spent a lot of time with Katrina while she was pregnant (maybe because she was often lying down!) and would sit watching her belly but never on it in that knowing way cats have. When Guy was born he was great and as soon as Guy could crawl he would let him crawl right up and even endure Guys first attempts at patting him which were more like swatting the cat. Guy quite quickly learnt to be gentle and not poke his finger in Cass's ear. One of the first recognisable sounds Guy made was a high pitched squeak in response to the greeting sound Cass made when he came into the room, Guy used to talk to the cat often.
On reflection we have hardly any photos of Guy and Cass (they were both elusive targets) but here is Guy in the bath with me and Cass just leaving, you can see from the look on Guys face how much he delighted in Cass. We buried Cass under the rata tree. The little girls from accross the road wanted to see him (they often used to feed him) I wrapped him in his old fleecy blanket. When Guy saw the blanket he gave a little laugh and then a happy shout when I pulled the blanket back to show the girls as if to say ''There he is! " But he watched in quiet concern as we sprinkled the earth over the blanket.
Now Guy still delights in cats, he has a book about Hairy McClary the little dog who chases all the neighbourhood cats and Guy smooches each page with a cat on it except the last one which is 'Scarface Claw' the meanest Tom in town. Guy just shuts the book when we get to that page!
So with that, it is farewell to our loving and loyal Cass.