Thursday, April 05, 2007


The Wedding

Well here's one of the reasons there has been a long pause in postings to this Blog. On Saturday 24th March 2007, Jack and Katrina got married. Witnessed by friends and family the ceremony took place on a brilliant autumn day at the William Fergusson Massey Memorial on the Miramar Penisula. There are so many wonderful memories and photos to share that Katrina has set up wedding blog, (click the link on the left hand side of the page) but here are a few to sample. Krista did an absolutely superb job, bright sun, black suits and white marble memorials do not make for easy photography. We were so lucky, in many ways, with the weather, and with the attendance of so many friends and family members.

At last! Wedding photos, thank you. I have been looking for a week. Where have you been!! :)

I have to say you both look beautiful, especially you Katrina. Absolutely beautiful.

Thank you for the update. We out here in the outer fringes appreciate it. :) Much love Jan and Laurie (still at sea)
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