Wednesday, April 11, 2007



What else did we do in Rarotonga? Well there were all these scooters for hire parked outside our motel unit, every morning when Guy saw them he got quite excited, and he was even more excited when he saw them buzzing past with locals and tourist alike. He would wave and point and make his little motor noise "pprrmmpprr" with his lips. Eventually we had to hire on to go out on a fresh vege buying mission. It was nice to be zipping along in the balmy breeze, getting soaked by thunderstorms but not feeling cold as you do in New Zealand rain. When I got back ,even Katrina had a go, and then we had to let Guy have a go too. Here he is climbing on by himself, fiddling with all the controls and having a wonderful time.
Of course it wasn't all motorised mayhem, Guy still got to indulge his passion for flowers and things botanical, here he is the one the natives call 'Runs with Flowers'.

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