Thursday, April 26, 2007
Back In Wellington
It has been a great couple of weeks since our return from the Honeymoon. The first week and weekend quite busy as there was unpacking and clearing up to do left over form the wedding, but now we have a had a couple of weeks to clear up the backlog of small jobs put off while planning the wedding. I didn't realise how much of what little 'free time' we had was being taken up by the wedding, until it stopped, it is a wonderful sense of relief, and the satisfaction of a job well accomplished (if I may say so.)
Guy of course has been his enchanting self, enjoying hot cross buns in the lead up to Easter ('cos they conatin lots of raisens, one of his favorite foods!) He also enjoued riding his trike around Aotea Lagoon near our house. Especially when the little train came past. I thought his eyes would pop out of his head, the pointing and staring, squeals of delight and then the look of uncertainty as it got very close and very loud. He also delights in spotting commuter trains going up the Johnsonville line from our deck and waves at Helicopters and the early morning Jets departing for Australia, I don't know where he gets that from!