Monday, February 05, 2007


I am so cute . . .

We're still running about a month behind with Guy updates. It's been a busy time for us this year. Katrina has returned to work at the Ministry of Economic Development three days a week and she's loving it. Guy still has his one day a week at Bowen Hospital Creche and the other 2 days he has a nanny looking after him at home and it's great! Guy's nanny, Joanne, is actually Jack's boss's wife, and she just loves children so much and is so good with Guy. As a trained nanny, she has a very educationally focused approach, and Guy is responding really well to that. Of course, with Katrina being back at work, we've had to be extremely organised on the home front, and so far (3 weeks in) it's been very smooth sailing with everyone coping very well with our new way of life.

As proud parents (and as you are avid Guy-followers) we are very happy to share our clever boy's latest developments with you. He is saying about 10 words, with one of the first being "soss" (socks) and "saa" (outside, which is his favourite place to be), "fla" (flower), "ba" (which is the same sound for the following objects: banana, bike and bath) and (thank you cousin Sarah for this!!!) "shit" (which needs no translation, but to put it in context, he was about to slide out of his highchair when she'd undone his straps, so she uttered an expletive as she grabbed him and he thinks it is hilarious because he gets a reaction every time he says it).

Another big development is that Guy is now feeding himself with a spoon, and very determined he is too! He refuses to open his mouth if we present him with a spoonful of food, but will shovel it in at a great rate if we give the spoon to him. He's become a plum addict, and will eat a whole plum in just a few minutes. I don't know what we'll do when plum season ends!

Anyway, here's a few lovely photos of Guy being cute at home on the bench, and with his big cousins Anna and Jaime when they came for a birthday visit.

On second thoughts, sorry Anna and Jaime, it's only Guy by himself this time. Blogger has been asking us to switch to the new format and we haven't so far, and this session is our last one using our old Blogger account, and next time we try to login it won't let us.

As you know we've been having a few problems loading photos onto Blogger, and it would only load one after trying 5 times, so I think I'll call it a day and try and get us up and running on the new Blogger account. Watch this space . . .
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