Monday, January 29, 2007
Guy is One!

On January the 8th 2007 Guy was one year old, he has completed his 1st orbit around the Sun! He celebrated by taking his first steps on the day before his first Birthday. We celebrated his birthday a day early (because it was a Sunday) with a very small party, just us three and Guys Granny (Margaret). Katrina made him a birthday hat, (which he tried to eat) and we got him his own boston bun (baby police approved cake) and packet of pink biscuits (which are probably not approved by the baby police but tasted better than hats) Here is the little man on his big day. It was just a small party becuase we had a big party in December with all the babies from our antenatal class (of which Guy was the youngest) For the 10 ante-natal babies Katrina made a huge snake cake, covered in scales made from pieces of white chocolate coloured lurid green and yellow, it was a great success.