Monday, January 29, 2007


Great Granny turns 90!

On the 2nd of January 2007 Guy's great grandmother Phyllis Elder had her 90th birthday. Guy and all the family came to celebrate the occasion. Guy was his cheerful and affectionate self. He especially liked the goldfish and long suffering cat at the rest home.

Back in Kaiapoi, Uncle Ian dropped in to see Guy. Ian took Guy to buy his first surfboard (OK boogie board) We pulled several different ones out of the rack until we came to the 'Bob the Builder board'. Guy shrieked with delight and wouldn't look at any of the other boards so we guessed he liked that one. All the more appropriate as Ian is a builder (and a surfer). We carried the board around the Warehouse with Guy riding it on all fours, until Katrina saw us and made us carry the board and the baby separately and properly to the check out.
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