Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Down at Rakaia
Katrina's Dad has a bach at Rakaia Huts, a settlement at the mouth of the Rakaia river where he goes to catch Salmon and trout. Unfortunatley the weather over the Christmas-New Year week was unbeliveably bad, ( 6-7 deg C and stiff southerly blowing in off the sea). The grey skies cleared briefly and we all got outside. Guy wasn't sure about his Grandads big 4wd fishing-mobile but he was very happy to be pushed around on the little one that Verna bought for her visiting Grandsons. He was too little for us to start the motor, but no problem, he does all his own 'brmmm brmmm' sound effects.
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Hi y’all. You’ve got a great site, which we check regularly. Aren’t you lucky to have the second cutest kid in the world?
To answer your question about embedding video...
First, you need to find someone to host your video because you can’t put it on Google. One option is You can create an account for free and upload the video there. The advantage of youtube is that it’s fast and easy to use. Another advantage is that google have just bought youtube, so sooner or later they will link blogger to youtube and you can do everything by hitting one button. The problem is your original videos need to be 320x240 pixels, otherwise youtube re-sizes it and that can screw up the quality. But if your video software can save to this size, then that’s no problem.
I’m uploading my video to my kiwiinparis website until I find a solution to the youtube problem.
Then, when you create your post in blogger, click on the EDIT HTML tab, and copy in some HTML code to link to the media player and the video file itself. If you use youtube, it gives you the HTML code when you upload your video – just copy and paste into blogger. Otherwise, here’s the one that I use. You can copy and paste this, and obviously change the source (src=…).
&embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" name="mediaplayer1" ShowStatusBar="true" EnableContextMenu="false" autostart="false" loop="false" width=352 height=352 src="" />
... except change the two & signs to < (I had to do this otherwise blogger got confused with my message)
When setting the size, add 65 pixels to the height of your original video to leave room for the controls, otherwise the video gets squashed. There is a way to auto-size it, but I can’t get it to work.
One useful option is the autostart (set to true or false); autostart saves people a mouse click.
There are plenty of other options; see these sites (or google for “embed video in web page”):
Hope this helps. We look forward to seeing videos of Guy.
D A G (Dave, Andy, Georgia).
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To answer your question about embedding video...
First, you need to find someone to host your video because you can’t put it on Google. One option is You can create an account for free and upload the video there. The advantage of youtube is that it’s fast and easy to use. Another advantage is that google have just bought youtube, so sooner or later they will link blogger to youtube and you can do everything by hitting one button. The problem is your original videos need to be 320x240 pixels, otherwise youtube re-sizes it and that can screw up the quality. But if your video software can save to this size, then that’s no problem.
I’m uploading my video to my kiwiinparis website until I find a solution to the youtube problem.
Then, when you create your post in blogger, click on the EDIT HTML tab, and copy in some HTML code to link to the media player and the video file itself. If you use youtube, it gives you the HTML code when you upload your video – just copy and paste into blogger. Otherwise, here’s the one that I use. You can copy and paste this, and obviously change the source (src=…).
&embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" name="mediaplayer1" ShowStatusBar="true" EnableContextMenu="false" autostart="false" loop="false" width=352 height=352 src="" />
... except change the two & signs to < (I had to do this otherwise blogger got confused with my message)
When setting the size, add 65 pixels to the height of your original video to leave room for the controls, otherwise the video gets squashed. There is a way to auto-size it, but I can’t get it to work.
One useful option is the autostart (set to true or false); autostart saves people a mouse click.
There are plenty of other options; see these sites (or google for “embed video in web page”):
Hope this helps. We look forward to seeing videos of Guy.
D A G (Dave, Andy, Georgia).
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