Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Baby by the Sea.

Guy loves water, showers, baths even playing in the toilet when we're not watching. A few weekends ago we took him down to the South Coast for a walk in the buggy. When we stopped and took him out of the buggy he virtually squirmed out of my arms trying to get a closer look at the sea. It was a beautiful calm day (yes they do happen in Wellington!), so I took him down to the waters edge. Here he is playing with the clear bright water and with a sea urchin shell we found. He even discovered how sharp the little barnacles on the rocks are. He would crane forward to put his hands in the water but when I put his feet on the rocks he'd tuck them up. Ahh the learning begins, so much to see and there's so much we look forward to exploring with him.
A few minutes after these photos were taken he was back in his buggy and rolling along through the afternoon until he fell asleep. He was still sleeping when we reached the carpark so we parked the buggy beside the car facing out to sea, so he was sheltered from the breeze and let him sleep on. I checked on him a couple of times, reclined in his sheepskin, the sound of the gentle sea breaking and his little face so completley serene. I couldn't help wondering 'When was the last time I slept like that?"