Saturday, October 07, 2006


Baby on the Move!

Guy is crawling! Really crawling, as in chase the cat across the lounge. One day he was sitting and waving his arms like a stranded beetle, and attempting to move onto his hands and knees but chickening out, then a few days later he was off. Maybe its is his regular Fridays at the creche with all the other kids, maybe its just the stage his little brain has reached. Now Katrina's days are even busier keeping the little man from crawling off into trouble and making sure he doesn't pull himself up on things like the heater, clothes airer, couch, toybox, dining room chairs etc. . .

We bought him a little motorbike too, which he likes sitting on but his next challenge is to figure out how to push forward with his legs. Then, we can attempt the 1st descent of the driveway (while Katrina's out!) He's already slipped sideways off the motorbike a couple of times and with his knees boasting a colourful array of bruises from his crawling and crash-landing from pulling himself to standing, Jack is figuring out a way to explain them all to the Plunket nurse!
I look forward to dialing up this blog every few days like a doting Aunt, but I forget to tell you so. Lovely photos. A & J have quite fallen in love with the little man.

Hello and lots of love from us both here south.

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