Saturday, August 05, 2006


Back to Finland

Spot the difference? We are using a new template, this one has recent posts by title on the right hand column which makes it easier to find pictures. It picks up the title rather than just the date so I will try to give them sensible titles.

Leaving St Petersburg after our whirlwind exploration we found ourselves back on the train. It was a hot summers afternon, and the afternoons here in summer are long. Keeping an active little boy amused was not so easy, but we were very fortunate to be travelling with folks like James and Lynn. Friends of Hamish's family, they took turns to play with Guy, who seemed to specially like James. Here they are playing on the train. When we got back to Anna's folks place in Finland, Katrina gave Guy a feed under the ever present pines and then he had a shower. As you can see, he really likes the shower, tries to grab the stream of water and would stick the shower head in his mouth if I let him.
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