Saturday, August 26, 2006


Archipelago Cruising

From Porovo we boarded the little white steamer to take us back to Helsinki. It took 4 hours, down the river and out into the sea between the islands. Some of the islands are kilometre long, others just big enough for a single birch tree. It would be a fascintaing place to own a small boat and a tent. Camping on these tiny little islands, like a far north versions of cartoon desert islands, a beach and a single tree. One of my impressions of europe was that everywhere you wnt there were signs of human presence, just the density of the population. Here in Finland it started to approach the sense you get in NZ, where you could an island or a patch of forest and remain undisturbed for hours if not days.

On the way the ferry stopped at several little islands where people live. There is very little tide in the Baltic so these sheltered little anchorages abound. The beautiful scenery seems to inspire some elegant little coastal boat designs too.

After his sleep in the park Guy was awake and looking at everything on the ferry. Lynn and Hamish's Mother Pat (in the sunglasses) helped us by taking turns to hold the wiggly man.
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