Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Things have quietened down a bit at Dave & Diane's house in Haringey, with the departure of her parents back to NZ after almost 2 months away. The house, including the fold out sofa was at maximum capacity there for a few days, and as Guy liked to wake up around 6:00am, I took him out for some early morning walks. This let Katrina get another hour or so of precious sleep, as well as all the other house residents. On one of our early morning walks we explored this aqueduct that runs along the side of the valley near their house. It was opened in 1613 and still supplies drinking water to London. Mean while Guy has been thriving on his solids, and is growing out of the clothes he came over in, here he is looking cool in his next size up 6-9 month baggy shorts, very urban!