Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Singapore Stopover

We are in Paris tonight after two wonderful days in Singapore. Guy coped with both the 10hr and 14 hr flights better than some adults, maybe because he got to lie down in his bassinet most of the way. In Singapore we put him in the backpack for an early morning walk down by the river. It'smisty because the camera has just come out of the backpack at airconditioned temperature and fogged up, still it gives the effect. It was so hot, but Guy slept in the backpack under his sunshade. We found a shady park to take him out for a cool off and a drink. He seems to love being out and about in the backpack and was all eyes until they finally wouldn't stay open any longer. We took the underground up to Little India for a taste of old Singapore, and found a very freindly back street Indian resteraunt. Then we did some shopping on Orchard Rd, by which time evryone was pretty tired so Jack went on a missionto bring back tasty chinese food to the air-conditioned sanity of the Hotel room. The next day we went up to the Botanic Gardens, and saw the wonderful orchids and palm trees. Singapore was exciting and challenging, but we had a great time. The 11:30pm departure for Paris made the 2nd day seem a long one, but we are in Paris now and well looked after by Andy and Dave, starting to relax already, (and I was relaxed!)
what a beautiful pic of the 2 boys, glad the flights over went well! battling on here with 2.5 wk old Stella, lots of challenges but loving it just the same. Thanks Granny for keeping the posts up to date! Sarah xx
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