Thursday, April 27, 2006
Guy, Ryan and the Girls Next Door
Over the weekend we went to see our friends from the Ante-natal group Shane and Leanne and their little boy Ryan. Ryan is a few weeks older than Guy and it was interesting to see how much they develop, particularly socially with Ryan much more intersted in Guy than vice versa.
On Tuesday night we had dinner with our neighbours, and the little girls all made a big fuss of Guy, who coped with it pretty well, only sometimes looking bewildered by the amount of chatttering, giggling and bouncing that three little girls can produce. When we got home we gave him a nice relaxing bath to chill out.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Sitting Up
This last week guy has started to enjoy sitting up and looking around. I discovered our couch is just about the right size to prop him up in the corner. Here he is having a break with Katrina.
Friday, April 21, 2006
On the Waterfont
Some more pictures from Easter Weekend. We went for a walk around the Wellington Waterfront with Ed and Lisa. Guy was sleeping after his midmorning feed, at least he was until we stopped at Oriental Bay for a coffee, I peeped under the cover on his buggy to see how he was, and saw this little face peeking out. The second photos was taken on the way back to the car after I told Guy he was way too small to have a hot dog on a stick! No, actually he was telling me it was 5 minutes past baby lunchtime and he thought he should be seeing a bit more of his mother.
Weekend at Barnarby's and Rachel's
I was saying how Guy wasn't very well last weekend, well here is a photo Barnaby took, that sort of captures the way he was feeling. This was the same visit that Guy spent admiring himself instead of noticing lovely little baby Lucy. Actually turns out he's not completely narcissistic, he's just more interested in older women, like Lucy's big sister Laura!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Lisa and Guy
Waiting For Uncle Ed
This Easter Ed and Lisa came to visit us from Nelson. They came across on the ferry on good Friday, here are Guy and Katrina waiting for them in the car at the ferry terminal. Of course you have to be careful to read all the signs in places like this. Ed met his nephew for the first time and discovered how tricky it is to keep hold of a wiggly 14 week old baby. Lisa seemed to have it sorted and Guy had a lovely talk with her.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
The Easter Bubby
Easter was a big weekend for us , with Katrina's brother Edward and Lisa coming to visit us and unfortunatley a few baby issues. Little Guy has been upset for a few days now, since he had his 12 week imunisations or there about. Just unsettled which is really a euphanisim for screaming his little head off, and not sleeping or eating properly. He went to Plunket yesterday and they found despite all that he made good weight gains and was mostly a happy little chap. These pictures sort of confirm that, here he is on Easter Sunday siting up in bed, sorry they are a bit the same, but which one would you leave out?
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Daddy Time
Todays pictures are all about Guy and Me, that's partly because I get to do the blog, and partly becuase Katrina takes nice photos of us. Here we are having a play after dinner, and a couple of comparison photos while Guy was trying out his Jolly jumper. Sort of loks like it should be in an encylopdeia, 'The Human Male- Juvenile and Adult' (or Juvenile and very juvenile if you like) The other photo reveals several things, 1. Even Guys feet are cuter than mine, 2. why I can swim fast, run on snow and sneak up on small furry animals in forests, 3. Why I find running shoes hard to buy.
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Lucy and Guy
On the weekend we went over to visit our friends Barnaby and Rachel, they have a 2 year old daughter Laura, and Lucy who is 5 weeks older than Guy. Here Lucy and Guy are chilling out together on the play gym. Interesting to watch the difference in development that 5 weeks make, (or maybe it's a boy/girl thing), but while Lucy was quite interested in Guy, he was stil transfixed by his own reflection! (in the bottom of the polka dot thing) Hope he grows out of that. We think Lucy might have a career modelling for Wella or Sunsilk, she has the loveliest hair.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Guy had his 2nd set of imunisations on friday, so this weekend he was a bit grumpy and best left to sleep. Nontheless he had his happy times, my new favorite game is making the baby laugh, he is very ticklish and when he's in a happy mood he has a funny little halting laugh, disturbingly like the cartoon Beavis & Butthead. He continues to love looking at his reflection on the play gym, as shown above, and is learning to grasp things and bring them up to his face for closer examination.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Jolly little Jumper
The other day Guy was a bit fractious so we put him in his Jolly Jumper for the first time. He took a little while to get used to it and still has to learn how to hold himself upright but he has nade a good start. He looks so tiny standing there in the doorway ('cos he is!)
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Why I'm late for Work
In these pictures, I hope you can see why despite having an interesting and rewarding career sometimes it's just hard to hurry out the door in the morning. Mr Smiley here has a tendancy to wake at 06:00 with me, then into mum for a feed, before he and Katrina go back to sleep until 08:00. But as you can see, Guy is not so keen to go back to sleep now, he'd much rather play. The other photo was taken at the other end of the day, when again I find myself asking " Is there anything at work as worth doing as this?"
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
This lovely little sleep suit was a present from Guy's Grandad Pat and Verna. The front says 'I'm a baby angel'....
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Little Kiwi
Here are some pictures of Guy playing with a lovely toy kiwi given to us by our friends Owen and Heather. It zips out of it's little blue egg and squeaks when you press it's tummy. Guy is getting better at grasping things and moving them around to look at them.
Guy's First Adventure Race
On Sunday I got my rubber arms easily twisted into doing the kayak leg of a multisport race around Porirua. We had a team of three from work verly nearly organised by Dougal who is the CAA's Chief Medical Officer and also a fellow ride-to-work freak. When I agreed about 4 months ago I figured we 'd have the baby business well under control by 3 months, and well we have almost.
Guy was 12 weeks old on Sunday, the plan was for Katrina to drop me and kayak at the transition area and then head away to pick me up later. Guy usually sleeps through midday to early afternoon, but would he sleep in his buggy at the transition area? No way, far too much cool stuff happening, in fact he wasn't even happy in his buggy with the curtains drawn, he had to be on my shoulder where he could watch all the other kids and the bright plastic boats. In the end he was awake all afternoon, through the prize giving, the boat return to the kayak hire place and even the supermarket shopping. I put him in to bed about 6:30 he went "Argrgggh...zzzz....zzzz..zzz and slept for a new record of 8.5 hours.
So here is Guy checking out boats with me at race, contemplating a modification to the kayak to include a coxswain's seat, me practicing paddling (without my little mate) .