Monday, March 06, 2006


Autumn Storm

On Friday the first real Southerly storm of Autum arrived. Gales whipped up swells that halted the ferry and threw sea spray across the railway line and ontot he motrway as I cycled home. When I got home I had a bath to get the salt off and warm up, and as Guy was getting too big for his plastic bath he joined me in the big bath. He loves it, kicking his feet like a little frog. Then we drove down to Island bay to watch the storm while we had Fish & Chips, note the little boat sheltering behind the island.

Saturday was like winter with cold squally rain. We were glad to have a new woolly jumper and boots for Guy, knitted by our friend Christine. He was so warm and snugly he didn't even wake up when Kirri came for lunch, although I did manage to get a photo of her this time.

And just to prove it's not all about the baby, on Sunday while Lois and Katrina discussed all things baby, her husband Robin and I tooke the Cherokee out along the coast over Makara.
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