Tuesday, March 21, 2006
At the Beginnng and End of of the Day
I've said it before, but raising a baby makes you think about time, (or it makes me think about time anyway). Somehow it seems to take about 27 hours a day to look after a baby, and those 27 hours occur in three hour cycles, so somehow you are much more conscious of the passing day, night, moon coming up, wind going around to the South, the natural rythms of the world of which you and your baby are an infintesimal part.
Anyway, that's what I was thinking about at 06:20 last Friday when I took this photo from my driveway. To the right of the street light is a small dot of the 1st Air NZ flight of the day getting underway to Auckland, another one of those little daily rythms.
The other photo was taken later on that stunning autumn day, outside the Parade Cafe in Oriental Bay where we had a nice after work catch up with Lisa, over from Nelson. It looks a bit like an Ad for Ground Effect cycling gear. I've just cycled in from work, Katrina is wearing her cycle top because it's nice and warm and Guy is also modelling his best fluffy stretchy outfit.