Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Growing up in Late Summer

I'm back from Melbourne now, back to Welllington's cool and bright summer afternoons. Guy has grown so much in the week I was away, especially his head, and face which seem to be swelling as he soaks up new experiences. His face shows more personality every day. He has started to really 'talk' or make new baby words, one is a sort of a shout/laugh, and one is more like a little asking noise, the photo of him looking at the bug is actually him laughing and playing with it. He likes the 'aircraft recognition' poster I've put next to his changing table too, though it's probably all the parachuting little bunnies that he likes most. He is sleeping well now, sometimes grizzly in the late afternoon with a couple of bursts of yelling before settling. Last night for something different I took him for a ride up Mt Victoria in the buggy, the bumpier the track the more he liked it. He stopped his grizzling and screwed up his eyes to watch the clouds tumbling past until he nodded off, only to wake when I stopped moving.
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