Friday, February 10, 2006


Growing Fast

Just a quick note this morning, to say Guy had another check up and is growing fast. Yesterday he was 4.350kg (9.6lbs) which is 690gms or 1.5 lbs in 14 days. It has been a hard two weeks for Katrina with Guy feeding every three hours, but he is starting to stretch that out to four hours during the night. We have also experimented with giving him bottles of breast milk, which gives Katrina a few precious moments to herself.

Thanks to Katie at the Auckland Museum for the very cute shorts and T-shirt. The 6-12months size will be great later this year, or maybe even sooner at the rate he is growing.
What a fatty. Don't sweat the routine, remember in a couple of months you're wanting to travel when everything will go out the window!
love you all
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