Sunday, January 29, 2006


Almost Three Weeks

Margaret has been with us for a week now, keeping the meals coming and the washing dry. After several visits to Midwife and Plunkett, the care and feeding of little Guy is becoming easier. He is feeding very well, and in 6 days last week put on 410 grams, which is the best part of a pound. He is now over 8lbs and growing well. Katrina seems to have got the knack for breast feeding, but the hot summer afternoons have been tricky, making Guy thirsty and sleepy at the same time. While the weather has been so nice we took the oppurtunity on Friday night to have Fish n' chips down on the South Coast. As this is actually not just the Guy Douglas Curry Stanton website, here are some non-baby photos taken just before sunset. (Guy was asleep in the car seat) The captions don't always line up but here is, The South Coast, Jack and Katrina, Margaret the Granny, and Margaret with Katrina wondering what to get her for next Christamas and deciding probably some new sunglasses! : )
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