Friday, November 29, 2013


Beside Rivers and Lakes

 Two little boys playing the oldest of games, throwing rocks into the lake. Lake Rotoiti is a majestic place and special to us both. Katrina and I met in 1990 on a tramping trip up the Rainbow valley, not far from where this photo was taken, Willy dipping his toes in an icy mountain stream on a hot afternoon. Life is old here, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze,


My Brother and I

Willy loves his brother, toddles in to wake him up in the morning and shrieks with laughter when he succeeds in making him stir. Here he has walked over to Guy watching TV and sat on his lap.

And here they are sword-fighting gently. Willy is laughing so hard we have caught him mid-laugh!

Willy likes books, sometime he happily reads to himself, and sometimes he takes them to Guy .

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