Monday, September 02, 2013


On Fathers Day and Joke Shops

For this Fathers Day, Guy bought me a set of stick on moustaches from the $2 shop. So then we had to try them out. William was not very impressed about this development.

I was just about to instictively write 'from the joke shop' in this blog , but it was actually the $2 shop and Guy doesn't even believe me that there really used to be Joke Shops. This question came  up the other day while we were listening to an audio book of Harry Potter. The elder Weasley brothers wanted to open a joke shop and Guy snorted that that wasn't even such a thing. Within his lifetime  he' s mostly right,  the $2 shops seem to have killed them off. But I'm sure I remember one in Auckland, it was up a hill to the West of Queen street,(I remember that beacuse of the evening light), it was near the top of the rise but before Albert street. Doe anyone else remember Joke Shops?

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