Sunday, August 11, 2013


Rotoiti Easter

This post is a bit out of order, due to the computer not being able to post photos to blogger after we upgraded to Windows 10. But anyway for Easter 2013 we took the car on the ferry and went to stay with Ed and Lisa in Nelson and then came back via two night in St Arnaud Lodge on the shores of Lake Rotoiti. This is a great little motel with log cabins.

Here we took William for his first tramp.A micro tramp really, 30 minutes walking along thee shore of the lake in the beech forest and then we stopped to eat lunch, pies from the St Arnaud store!

When we got to the lake shore, Will noticed everyone seemed to have a pie except for him.
Once he had his lunch he was happy to explore the rocky shore with his brother



Wednesday, August 07, 2013


Will's 1st Birthday

A year has passed since William joined the family!, Hard to to belive it seems like just a few months. Blogging has been o nhold since Katrina got a flash new computer that does a million cool things , but doesn't talk to blogger easily. Nonetheless Will's birthday is too big to go unmarked so I've add these from work in a quick break.

Here is Will unwrapping his first birthday present, a super big truck and digger from Granny.

He is making 'brmm' noises. He has become very keen on cars and truck in the last few weeks. Will makes engine noises if we talk about cars or trucks, even just mentioneing that its time to get int he car. When we are out around town he watches cars going down the strret and saves his most excited brmm noise for big trucks.

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