Monday, March 04, 2013


Sunday Morning

William wakes about the same time every day, and he doesn't even have a watch! Usually a little bit before 7:00am. This must have been a Sunday morning because on Saturday Jack heads off to the early morning vegie market in Newtown.  If Guy is awake he loves to play with William in bed.

Poor William doesn't realise it yet, but eveyone in this family is a little bit crazy! 

Sunday, March 03, 2013


Hangin Around Home

Will is enjoying the Jolly Jumper especially when it is in the hallway in the middle of the house where everyone has to play with him as they go past.
  Daddy if you make the tiger noise again , I'll bop you on the nose!
 Guy thought Will would like to play cowboys and horsies. Once Will went to Bed Guy thought that..

Will's Bug and Guy's R2D2 would like a turn!


Story Time

Will likes books, the way the feel, and the way they taste! But if we can keep them out of reach of his grabby little hands, he does enjoy being read to. Or mostly he enjoys being cuddled between Daddy and Guy. Literay critics out there may note, yes we are looking at the thomas the tank engine catalogue, one of Guy's treasured volumes.

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