Friday, January 11, 2013


Christmas Baby

OK so this post is  a bit late but he was rather endearing as a Christmas Elf.


The Joy of Reading

Guy has learnt to read. Well he has been able to read for a long while but in the last two months he has become a little bookworm. He has found some books that capture his imagination, Roald Dahl, and antics of Terry and Andy in 'the 13 Story Tress house amongst others, and on some of the blustery wet days of this 'summer' he has spent hours reading.


Will has shown an interest too and of course wants to do whatever Guy does,

And now he is enjoying his books too!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013


William and Grandad

Grandad came to visit William for the weekend. It didn't take Will long to figure out that Grandads give the best cuddles.

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