Sunday, December 16, 2012


My Brother and I

Guy continues to be a wonderful big brother to Will,  and Will loves the contact and attention that Guy bestows upon him.


Breakfast in Bed

Will is only just 4 Months and not ready for solids yet,  but he's thinking about it!


Their Mothers Eyes

Will is not able to sit up but he enjoys being propped up in bed with pillows. He was enjoying a Sunday morning in bed last week when I took this photo. The family resemblence is clear, and its in the eyes I think.

Breakfast with my Brother

Will watches Guy all the time to see what he's doing. Guy was having breakfast at his little table so we propped Will up in the other chair, much to his delight.

Saturday, December 01, 2012


Wiggle Time

Will is getting stonger and makes a good job of wiggling on his tummy

Guy and Will continue to be great mates, Guy thought Will would like to play battleships, Will looks like he is going to eat the little pieces, but was actually happy just to look at the colours.


On a Jet Plane

On the 27th October we took an early morning plane up to Auckland for Granny's 63rd birthday. This was Will's first ride on a plane and he was marvellous. Here we are over the central north island as the sun comes up. William found looking over the seat back a fun thing to do and managed to charm the group of school girl cheerleaders behind us who where heading to their regional competion. He was charming them all so much with his ear to ear smiles that one of the mothers travelling with them urged Katrina to relate something of the pain , the all night crying, anything to counter the ever-so-ute 'I can't wait to have one ' impression that Will was making!

When we got to Auckland we had a wonderful 63 (21st x 3) Party for Garnny Margaret. Will got to meet his co-cousins Xavier Sophie and Charlie who were all born within the weeks of each other. here are Will, Charlie and Xavier.

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