Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Big Boys Bath
Will is growing fast, 62cm (98% for age) and too big to fit in the plastic bath. So we are bathing him in the big bath, with his big brother. They both love it and it is fun watching Will paddle his legs furiously while smiling hi wide smile at the new found freedom of floating in the bath. Hard to catch a good photo in dim light while holding his head above water but here he is.
In the old bath,note I am holding him diagonally across the bath to fit him in.
Kicking back in the big bath is much better.
Especially with a brother to lie on,
Especially with a brother to lie on,
This looks odd but Guy is pouring water on Will who is enjoying it, not so evident under flash!
Night Feeds
Will is 8 weeks now and gets through the night with 3 refuelling stops, one as we go to bed about 9:00pm, one just after midnight, and one predawn at 4:00am. Sometimes he drops the 9:00pm if he has had a big day. The night feeds are hard and tiring, but special in a way. Holding the camera very still I caught this image.
and of course when he does sleep, he is more beautiful than ever!
and of course when he does sleep, he is more beautiful than ever!
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
Tummy Time
Will is getting stronger and more active, and spends time on his lovely quilt from Deborah (protected here with a nappy!) Looks like he will have his brother's clear blue eyes.
The Force is strong in this one
Guy can't wait for Will to grow up and play with him. No he really can't wait and this weekend when we put Will in the bouncinette chair for the first time, Guy figured it looked enough like a reclining pilot seat with three point harness that he could incorporate into his game of playing star wars fighter (from which to watch telly). Guy has arranged toy boxes and chairs to build the two seat star fighter, with guns on each side (made of yellow wooden blocks). Will was just happy to be in the middle of something!
Kowhai Rains
The winters in Wellington are not fierce, but the springs are not gentle. Somewhere out over the Southern Ocean the longer sunshine hours are warming the ocean and sending the low presure systems further north. Each weather system brings ahead of it a spell of north westerly gales and rain. The Maori called these the kowhai rains as they arrived at the same time as the Kowhai trees burst into flower. It has been a good season for Kowhai in Wellington, this mild wet spring. Here are some I have snapped while running into work and home again.
Which caused some morning commuter confusion, this is normaly a trickle.
Look carefully at the angle of the rain against dark Rata tree, yep almost horizontal!
Which caused some morning commuter confusion, this is normaly a trickle.