Tuesday, September 25, 2012


7 weeks

Will is 7 weeks old today, where did 7 weeks go? It seems like only about three, probably because we've had only three weeks worth of sleep in the last 7 weeks. It's been exhausting but oh so worth it when he smiles!

Saturday, September 08, 2012


The Brothers

Guy continues to be a wonderful big brother to Will. For his part Will responds very quickly to Guy's voice, swivelling his head and eyes to find him. No doubt he wants to find out what was causing the constant 12 hour a day background racket while he was in the womb.


Sleepy Time

William is a good sleeper, he sleeps lots and although he grizzles as he falls asleep he usually goes off after just a few minutes of loud protesting (much better than Guy was at settling himself). Here he is asleep.


Bath time

With the cold wet weather sweeping through with only brief sunny spells, it has been tricky to find a good warm afternoon to give Will a bath, but we have managed and he really llikes stretching out in the warm water. The trick is getting him dried and wrapped up agains aftewards.


Outside in Paradise

If you were wondering what Will was gazing at, here's the view, it's early spring in Paradise.
Livingstone Daisies and Lobelia self seeded from last years planting, really lazy gardening.


Wiggle Time

Will loves having a wiggle on his play gym, looking out at the bright light coming from the doors to the deck.

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