Thursday, September 29, 2011


The Rest of Raro 2011

And here are some other snaps from of our wonderul winter break.

Friday, September 02, 2011


The Gardens of Rarotonga

Just across the road from where our friends were staying were the Botanic Gardens of Rarotonga. We had visited these when we were on our honeymoon in 2007, and they have got even more extensive since then. It is and informal sort of a GArden fullof tropical plants and palms. There were some beautiful flowers, and here the boys are looking for the little feathery leaved ground creepers that close up their leaves when disturbed.

For comparison here is a photo of Guy at the Rarotonga Gardens in March 2007.

Thursday, September 01, 2011


Little Diver

Guy really got the hang of snorkllling. We had to drag him out of the water for lunch and now he likes to put on the googles and snorkel in the bath!


Rarotonga Part II

 One of the best things about going away with friends was each couple got a night out alone, imagine! We were lucky to have this beautiful sunset on our night out. I am also lucky that Katrina puts up with SHB (silly holiday beards)

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