Saturday, May 21, 2011


The Climbing Wall

Guy spent the first week of his first school holidays with his Granny in Aucklnad, and with his second cousins. Granny took Guy to the climbing wall in Mt Wellington, (which is in Auckland!) They have a fantastic set up of kids walls as well as regular indoor climbing walls. The kids walls are equipped with auto-belaying devices, a spring loaded winder takes up the slack as he climbs and any time he falls off, the mechanisim lowers him gently to the ground. Guy is quite fond of climbing right to the top and floating down pretending he is a spaceman.It was so much fun that Jack had a go too.

Uncle Rob had a big hand in getting Guy started on this. There is a little climbing wall at his school playground, and now I have to prise his fingers off it after school or we'd be there until dark!

Term One

We've made it through the first term at school. After a quiet start Guy has come to love his new school and is really enjoying learning to read and writing stories. They make really good use of the class computer, here is a penguin Guy made, by drawing it on paper and then his teacher copied it onto fabric and he painted it and made a stuffed toy. His class did a play about penguins at assembly and Guy distinguished himself by confidently addressing the school.

 This is our harvest of potatoes we grew in a sack on the deck. The dark ones grew almost black leaves and when dug up have an almost metallic purple sheen. The tastiest ones where the pale yellow purple ones, patchy looking but lovely buttery taste. Next year I'll throw in more compost and fatten them up a bit.

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